Legal Information


Trademark Information:'s entire ownership to all its trademarks pursuant to FinTech services it provides which includes its logo, trade names, service marks, sound marks, trade secrets, creative ads and any other marks whether registered or not.

Patent information:'s unique processes and service delivering technologies used within its FinTech products not limiting to its patents registered/pending in nature.

Copyright information:'s customized software, programs, coding methodologies embedded in its products/services.

Intellectual Property Infringement Notices & Subpoenas: respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects that every user of its services to revert the same. Any individual who believes that their, copyrighted work has been used in a way that may constitute copyright infringement during the performances of's services may notify the same to's Legal & Compliance Officer either by email or registered post to below mentioned address which shall be investigated and answered at the earliest possible time.

Contact us:

Legal & Compliance Officer,
NetAcct Solutions Private Limited,
Email ID: